I get results for my clients, but you don’t have to take my word for it!
Read some testimonials below…
“Beka is in 8th grade and yesterday the class took a mid term test for Literature. This subject Beka has struggled for the past years. Reading and reading comprehension. It’s like she had problems along the likes of dyslexia.
Beka also had problems completing sentences or questions on worksheets etc. Yesterday when she took her test which covered all material since the beginning of school. She got an A on her test. She only missed 1/2 point.
She did better than her best friends which are A students. This was a 7 page test.I wanted you to know how much this kid has struggled in school. Her Literature grade was a D+ and now she is heading towards an A. Her grades last year were very sad and but now she is pulling out of this situation. I see so much improvement being on a low sulfur diet and being on Active B12 from Seeking Health.
She also noticed she could run faster when playing soccer. It’s like her symptoms of ADD/ADHD are melting away. She still is not 100% but she is heading in the right direction. I never would have guessed high sulfur foods was putting such a strain on her system and how it can cause dyslexia and ADD/ADHD type of symptoms. I have her school papers as proof!
Thank you for helping Beka heal. I thought you would like to hear this good and amazing report.”
– A very thankful mom
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